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Speakers:  Mel Ochs & Kai Schumann

Last Update: 01/12/2020

Guidance, Tactics & Gear

for Fly Fishing the bays of San Diego

Kai Schumann

SDFF Outings Coordinator

Read his bio here

Mel Ochs

SDFF "Wednesday Bunch" organizer

Read his bio here

SDFF Program Chair Tim Huckaby sez .....


The club has a group of members that are San Diego bay fly fishing experts. I have always wanted to do this: fish the bays in a float tube. I have been intrigued on how these folks have so much success and so much fun in the San Diego’s bays. But, I have never done it before and the prescription for success is not well known, let alone daunting. I have a feeling like many of us “trout people” in the club I am not alone. This group welcomes us “newbees” to join them in the bays. So, I have asked a couple of the “ring leaders” of this group, Kai Schumann and Mel Ochs to get us smart and prepared by sharing their knowledge with a presentation and interactive discussion of the guidance, tactics & gear for fly fishing the bays of San Diego. This virtual presentation will be on Wednesday, January 20th at 7:30PM.  Click the appropriate blue button to the left or above to join the zoom meeting.

Would you like to be a 3rd Wednesday Speaker ???


We have so much talent and expertise in the club that we have decided to augment our “normal” club meeting and presentation (every 1st Monday of the month) with a mostly club member presentation on the 3rd Wednesday of each month this year. Those of you that have joined the virtual club meetings you know we have had a lot of success. We sure have learned a lot and been entertained by some pillars of the fly fishing industry. Honestly, it has been easier for me to recruit speakers to do virtual presentations because I don’t take them out of their day jobs for stretches of travel to San Diego. We’ll continue our “normal” first Monday of the month meetings with “big name” speakers, virtually, until we can finally meet in person as a club again….which is not looking like any time soon. We have quite the lineup scheduled already for 2021. It’s not the same as meeting in person. I get that. I miss meeting in person too. But, the virtual thing is gonna’ have to do for while until the world gets ahead of the pandemic.


So…I’m on the hunt for you experts in the club that would be willing to do a virtual presentation and/or virtual Q&A for us on a 3rd Wednesday this year. Please contact me by email, or my cell, 619-990-9200 to discuss. Don’t be surprised if I find you with a little help from other club members and proactively reach out to you for the ask.

WHEN:  Wed Jan 20, 2021 @7:30 PM


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